(Other than voting, jury duty, obedience to lawful authority, and private ownership of property)
- To fight in the armed forces.
- To pay taxes.
- To have a role in government.
- To defend the country.
- To serve in court.
- To learn about your government and know your rights.
- To respect other and their beliefs and opinions.
- To participate in government.
- To treat others equally.
- To run for a position in government.
- To be able speak your mind.
- To fight for your rights.
- To bring relatives to the U.S.
- To be able to own a gun.
- Vote in elections
- Run for public office
- Apply for jobs with federal goverment
- File to legally bring immediate family to live in the US
- Process of reuniting family will go much faster
- Help your children
- Full social security benifits
- Live outside US without losing citizenship
- Traveling in foreign countries is easier
How have rights evolved over time?
To begin with, African Americans and women did not have as many rights as they do now. In 1866, the 14th amendment was passed, guaranteeing former slaves to become citizens. Then in 1869, the 15th amendment was passed, guaranteeing black men the right to vote. At this time women of all races still did not have the right to vote.
In 1848, the women suffrage movement attended the Seneca Falls Convention and fought for their voting rights. Although women had been traced to fight to vote from the 1770's, they fought and fought until finally in 1920 they got the right to vote.
Struggles Faced by Minorities
African Americans: African Americans are people who never gave up until they got their rights. They fought to end slavery, discrimination, and for a right to vote. After fighting from 1861-1865, they finally won freedom from slavery. Then during the next five years, they fought for the right to vote and gained it in 1870. Although they gained these rights, they still faced discrimination in schools, workplaces, etc. They fought and fought and finally segregation of whites and blacks was over in 1967. African Americans still struggle to end discrimination to this day, knowing that they will never stop until they get what they want.
Women: Women were always seen as nothing compared to men. Men were always superior and thought they were better. Women were not allowed to own property, work, or vote. Women, then, knew that if they wanted their rights, they were gonna have to fight for it. So, women started to form suffrage groups and movements such as NAWSA. After years of fighting, they finally gained all of it in the year 1919.
Minorities Today: Minorities still face discrimination today. Blacks still face racism, latinos don't have all the rights they deserve, and women still face some discrimination. Everybody tries to keep in touch with their culture while following American culture. It is very hard to balance the both. With all the discrimination around us, we tend to forget our culture. Isn't the United States suppose to have diversity or to become a melting pot? If everybody thinks that they have to blend in with the American culture and hide their traditions and culture, then this country should not be called "United States". Thats the whole point. We should not be afraid to speak out and show who we really are. A way to fix all of this is to teach others about different races and ethnic groups more. People should stop dropping out of school and be informed about the people around them. That way when people get to know each other, they should be familiar with their culture and be able to blend in and stop discriminating.